Flower Power

  • 26 October 2021
  • Wendy Laurenson

I've just finished this painting of bromeliad flowers powering out their beauty. Often the delicacy of flowers belies their true potency but these sub-tropical blooms tell it like it is. Their flame-like forms make it obvious that their beauty has work to do. They broadcast their vibe into everything around them, and even though most of us don't see what they're sending, we feel it. We literally jaw-drop or draw breath in the face of the beauty of some blooms.




Painting is part of what has revealed these flower emanations or biofields to me. Years ago, I was painting a simple red hibiscus that I'd placed in a blue wine bottle. It was a surprise to me that the painting of the flower extended way beyond the edges of the petals and stamen in radiating ripples. The patterning was both deliberate and dynamic. The bottle also had its own vibe which danced with that of the hibiscus. It intrigued me that I was painting something in a visual form that I didn't see with my vision, and it was part of my learning about energetic sensitivities that some of us have to nature's biofields. Flowers and plants have biofields. Creatures and humans have biofields. And even some rocks and landscapes have this interactive life force surrounding them. The hibiscus painting was in my earlier painting days and the biofields were very detailed, revealing what they were and how they might work. 




My paintings now still include the fields but in a less-is-more rendition. This more recent Bird of Paradise acrylic painting suggests the radiating vibe of this sub-tropical beauty rather than depicting the detail.  




In another time and place, there was a break-in to my simple little cottage. I didn't have much, so not much was taken and I wasn't home at the time, but as with any break-in, there was a real sense of violation. The entry was by prizing open a window so I wanted to cleanse/heal that area.

A bright red epiphyllum (orchid cactus) which blooms just for a couple of days once a year, happened to be in full flower that afternoon. I'd watched the bud swell for weeks and this was the day it burst into what it was born to be. It was as big as a cupped hand and its glistening petals exuded a power that was palpable, so I placed it on the window sill. The flower had real work to do broadcasting way beyond its petal perimeter. It lifted the vibe in that area of the house. It cleared the space, and I sensed it provided security for me and the cottage over the next couple of days. No, I can't measure or prove that, but I slept well that first night and continued to live happily in the little house for several more years.


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